Other Resources

As you move forward and are looking for quality products, labs, etc. you will find a variety of reputable companies to choose from. We can't list them all here, but we've provided several services on this page that you may find useful as a starting point.
Diagnostechs: Based in Washington state and certified by CLIA, this company is a leader in saliva-based testing. They have test kits and panels for: adrenal stress, bone health, female hormones, food, GI health, male hormones, post and perimenopause hormones, and offer a flex-matrix option where you can combine testing and panels.
Mosaic Diagnostics (formerly Great Plains Laboratory, Inc): Located in Overland Park, KS, is a world leader in providing testing for metabolic, genetic, mitochondrial and environmental factors observed in chronic illnesses. They offer variety of kits that include but are not limited to: Organics Acids, GPL-TOX Profiling, IgG Food Alergies, and a GPL-Mycotox Profile. They also offer free 30 minute phone consultations to assist in the interpretation of test results. https://mosaicdx.com/
Integrative Therapeutics
Pure Encapsulations
Standard Process
Omega Supplements: Can be found through the above companies, and we also like the high quality oils produced by Nordic Naturals https://www.nordicnaturals.com/consumers/, and Dr. Sears Zone https://www.zonediet.com/.
Dispensaries (One stop offers many nutrition brands for ease of ordering)
Fullscript: Sign up for free. No inventory. Patients can directly order and pay for what you recommend and you with automatically get a cut. This company also sends a report so that you can see what a patient ordered. This company used to be called 'Healthwave' https://fullscript.com/
Emmerson Ecologics: Another dispensary but the site is not quite as intuitive as Fullscript. They do link to other sites for service and products. The upside is that it can be a bit cheaper in some instances. http://ww1.emmersonecologics.com/
Genova Diagnostics: Genova is based in Ashville NC and is licensed by CLIA, the federal agency regulating labs. They offer a variety of products in the their genomic line to test for common genetic SNP's. www.gdx.net
23andMe: 23and ME is a privately held personal genomics and biotechnology company based in Mountain View, CA. Their lab is CLIA-certified. They utilize saliva (no blood/needles). You will want the full report which includes Health + Ancestry Service (vs. Ancestry only). The heath portion provides information on a variety of gene variants. www.23andme.com
MTHFR Support: Allows you to upload 23andMe raw data and create an easy to read report for use in identifying select SNPs that may impact health. They contain section of eye health, detox, tongue tie/cleft palate, methylation, allery/mold, IgE, IgA, IgG, clotting disorders, thyroid, celiacs/gluten intolerance, mitochondrial function and sulfonotransferase genes. www.mthfrsupport.com and specifically https://mthfrsupport.com/sterlings-app/
StrateGene: Once raw data is recieved through 23andMe results, this site is similar to MTHFRsuppor in that data can be run through the system to get MTHFR and other clinically relevant SNPs. This company is part of www.MTHFR.net which is a leading resource for researched information specifically concerning the MTHFR mutation. http://go.strategene.org/genetic-analysis/
Environmental Working Group (EWG): A non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to protecting human health and the environment. EWG is the home to a variety of great resources to research toxins that are in everyday products and also what is in our food, please explore all of the links on this site for wonderful resources. This is a great site to send paients to as well. https://www.ewg.org/
EWG SkinDeep Site: EWG's Skin Deep database was launched in 2004 to create online profiles for cosmetics and personal care products and their potential hazards and health concerns. Their aim is to fill in where industry and government leave off. Companies are allowed to use almost any ingredient they wish. The U.S. government doesn't review the safety of products before they're sold. Their staff scientists compare the ingredients on personal care product labels and websites to information in nearly 60 toxicity and regulatory databases. EWG's Skin Deep database provides you with easy-to-navigate ratings for a wide range of products and ingredients on the market. https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/#.WxgiySAh2Uk
EWG Healthy Living App: Search more than 80,000 foods and what is in them. https://www.ewg.org/foodscores#.WxgjlCAh2Uk
Truth in Labeling: Contains information on MSG and GMO's in our food and includes a multitue of charts and resources such as how MSG can be hidden in foods under other names. The direct link to that chart is http://www.truthinlabeling.org/hiddensources.html however there is a lot on this site to explore at www.truthinlabeling.org